10 Facts About BAE!
Ok...so Black Panther and I are not an item. A girl can dream though. Marvel just released this video in an attempt to get fans hyped for...

I love Black Nerd and Geek Culture. It's so nice to have a safe and welcoming environment to geek out and cosplay in. Needless to say,...

Batman: An All Black Cast, a Blerd's dream...
There's been a couple photos on facebook of a Black actors and sctresses as some of the most beloved and infamous characters from the DC...

My Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers Reboot Cast
Entertain This came out with a dream cast list for th Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers Reboot in 2016. and it was so horribly lame. It seems...

Guardians of the Galaxy
As a self-proclaimed geek, I was somewhat excited, although speculative, to see Guardians of the Galaxy. Now, what I'm about to say my...

San Diego Comic Con Level Noob
For years I've wanted to go to San Diego Comic Con, also referred to as, the big one, Geek Mecca, and so on and so forth... This year I...