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The Hero New Orleans Deserves...

A writer by the screen name of Scartarius has written a story about a young super hero named Kestrel Thomas. The icing on top? The writer used my headshot! Woo! As you can see, this was written about six-years ago so that should tell you how old the headshot is.

Kestrel is a teenager living in New Orleans with her gransdmother. She has had a troubled past and essentially orphaned by her parents. Her powers first manifest during a smash and grab go wrong, only she doesn't even really remember what happened. Click here to get the full story.

I think it’s really cool and have read the whole story on Role Play Haven and Westguard. Unfortunately, Westguard now needs login credentials and I can’t find the detailed story on when her powers first surface. :-/

I am trying to contact the author, but due to some glitch in Role Play Haven, I am not even able to have my login name confirmed or receive an e-mail.

I’m very interested in contacting the writer and making a comic book issue of this character. I think it would be a lot of fun and I’d have an art project that would keep me occupied for a while. Hope I can get in touch with the writer soon.

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