New Hip Hop Manga Called 'Tephlon Funk'

Artist and New Yorker, Stephane Metayer has undertaken a new literary and artistic project called "Tephlon Funk!" She says that her inspiration comes from "Akira Toriyama, Osamu Tezuka, Katsuhiro Otomo, Bengus, Aikman, Kentaro Miura & Miyazaki." But, his biggest influence was Nas's 1994 debut album Illmatic.
With "Tephlon Funk!" being Metayer's first project, he has definitely set the bar high with the paring of these cultural concepts: anime and hip-hop, what many 80s and 90s blerds have been pairing up for themselves for years.

The narrative is centered around a troubled girl who has a chance encounter that alters the course of her life forever.
Metayer recalls never seeing a New York City based cartoon that accurately represented the "essence of living in this big city."
The project seems arduous, beautiful, edgy and full of heart. I for one am definitely intrigued. To support "Tephlon Funk!", visit their Kickstarter page. Support your fellow geeks.